A black sedan has T-boned a gray sedan, leaving both vehicles with significant damage.

Don’t Face a Car Accident Claim on Your Own

Facing the aftermath of a car accident in New Jersey can be overwhelming. With emotions running high and the complexity of insurance claims, it's a challenge you shouldn't have to face alone. At The Law Offices of Peter N. Davis & Associates, we're here to offer support and guidance. Contact us today at (973) 279-7246 for a free consultation–you don't pay unless we win!

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For nearly four decades, Attorney Peter N. Davis has dedicated himself to assisting injured New Jersey citizens. With a track record of success in car accident claims, our team understands the intricate details of New Jersey’s legal system, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Lodi, Paterson, or anywhere else in New Jersey, you don’t have to bear the burden of navigating your injury claim alone. Work with a New Jersey car accident lawyer from our office to make the process smoother and ensure the outcome meets all your needs.

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All you have to do is call or fill out a simple form and we’ll start reviewing your case. It’s that easy!


We’ll fight for the money YOU deserve for your injuries! Let our team of experienced car accident lawyers handle the insurance company, so you can focus on your recovery.


Our attorneys work on a contingency basis, so we don’t get paid unless we win for you. You have nothing to lose!

We’ve Recovered Over $400 Million in 35 Years of Practice!

Fractured Vertebrae in Back


Leg Injury


Herniated Disc With Surgery


Neck Injury


Ankle Injury


Knee Injury


Neck Injury


Arm Injury


Wrist Injury


Broken Ankle



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Filing a New Jersey Auto Insurance Claim

Filing an insurance claim is necessary for recovering damages after an accident, but going it alone could result in accepting less than you deserve or even having your claim unfairly denied. With us by your side, you’ll be guided through every step. We make sure your claim reflects the true extent of your losses.

New Jersey’s no-fault insurance system means that after a car accident, your own insurance company pays for your medical expenses and certain other losses, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. This system is designed to streamline medical payments but also limits your ability to sue the other driver unless your injuries meet certain severity thresholds.

In New Jersey, choosing between the Unlimited Right to Sue and the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy has significant implications. With Unlimited Right to Sue, you retain the ability to sue for pain and suffering for any injury, regardless of its severity. Conversely, the Limited Right to Sue restricts this ability, only allowing lawsuits for severe or permanent injuries. We can help you understand these options and their impact on your case.

When insurance coverage falls short of covering all expenses and losses, it’s time to explore other options. A car accident lawyer in New Jersey from our experienced team can accurately assess the value of your claim, taking into account current and future needs, and advocate for the full compensation you’re entitled to.

Car Accident Expenses You Can Recover

The primary categories of compensation include medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering, but the scope of these can vary significantly based on the specifics of your case.

  • Medical Expenses: This not only covers immediate medical treatments post-accident but also accounts for any ongoing rehabilitation costs, medication, medical equipment, and any future medical care you may require. Whether it’s emergency room visits, surgeries, physical therapy, or chiropractic sessions, the goal is to ensure your health recovery is fully funded.
  • Lost Income: If your injuries prevent you from working, compensation can cover not only lost wages but also loss of earning capacity if you’re unable to return to the same level of work. This calculation can include not just your current salary but also lost opportunities such as bonuses, promotions, and career advancements that were likely based on your employment trajectory.
  • Pain and Suffering: This encompasses the physical pain and emotional distress you’ve endured because of the accident. Unlike tangible economic losses, quantifying pain and suffering is complex and subjective. It factors in the severity of your injuries, the recovery time, and how your life has been altered or limited by the accident. Chronic pain, psychological conditions like PTSD, loss of enjoyment of life, and the impact on your relationships are all considered under this category.

The severity of your injuries plays a pivotal role in determining the compensation you’re eligible for. More serious injuries typically lead to higher compensation due to the increased medical care required, the potential for long-term or permanent disability, and the greater impact on your quality of life.

Injuries You Can Be Compensated For

You’re entitled to compensation for severe injuries sustained in car accidents. Our experienced team is committed to supporting your recovery and securing the compensation you deserve for injuries including:

Having handled many claims for these and other severe injuries, we’re dedicated to helping you make your way successfully through the complexities of your case and achieve a comprehensive recovery.

Fatal New Jersey Car Accidents

Devastatingly, the New Jersey State Police reported 581 fatal crashes in 2023 resulting in 613 fatalities. If your loved one was taken too soon in a car accident caused by someone else, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Our team is here to provide compassionate assistance and help you navigate the process of a wrongful death claim for funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and other related costs. We understand the financial strain that can accompany such heartbreaking circumstances and are dedicated to easing that burden as you focus on healing and honoring the memory of your loved one.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Us!

5 Star Reviews

I was at a red light and a driver came up behind and rear-ended my vehicle. Immediately after the accident, I called Peter Davis’ office and he started working on my case right away. His staff was very conscientious to the issue and I just felt very comfortable with dealing with his entire office. He really did a great job in helping me. First thing I would do is find yourself a good attorney like Peter Davis. Peter did a great job with the insurance company. He really fought hard for me.

5 Star Reviews

I was in the car, I was the passenger, we were stopped about five cars back from the stop sign and all of the sudden we got hit from behind… And it was a girl that was talking on her cell phone. My car insurance said, ‘We’re not paying for anything else.’ My private health insurance said, ‘We’re not paying for anything else.’ Without a lawyer I would probably still be out there wondering why I was still hurting, why I was still having problems and what was I going to do? Peter has contacted the insurance companies. He has gone with me to doctor’s appointments. They have really gone above and beyond. We need people like Peter Davis to help us.

5 Star Reviews

I was in a terrible car accident. Immediately after that, I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The insurance company treated me unfairly. They refused to pay for my surgery and Mr. Davis made them. If you get into an accident, it’s very important for you to pick someone to be your voice and defend your rights and I suggest Mr. Davis. When I came to Mr. Davis, I was treated with respect, like I was one of his family members, and I really loved him for that.

5 Star Reviews

I was with my son about to get to the cash register and there was a puddle of water that I didn’t see and I slipped and fell. After I fell, I was in physical therapy for six months. I called Peter’s office and Peter started working for me right away. I don’t think the insurance company would have been fair with me if I didn’t have a good lawyer. I would recommend the Peter Davis law firm to anyone who was injured in an accident.

5 Star Reviews

I was driving on Route 46. A guy was on his cell phone and didn’t realize everyone had stopped or slowed in front of him, so full blast, he hit me in the back. After the accident, I called Peter’s office and he started working for me right away. Peter took the case to arbitration and forced the insurance company to give me a good settlement.

5 Star Reviews

I was driving in Hoboken and was preparing to stop at a stop sign and before I got to the stop sign, I was rear-ended. After the accident, I called Peter’s office and they started working for me right away. Large insurance companies are not looking out for the consumer. I needed Peter Davis to help me out. Mr. Davis fought hard for me and got me the money that I deserved.


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Can I Sue for My Car Accident?

Determining whether you have a case is the first step. During your free consultation with a car accident lawyer in New Jersey from The Law Offices of Peter N. Davis & Associates, we review the specifics of your accident, explain relevant laws, and offer honest advice on the best course of action for your situation.

Common Causes of Car Wrecks

Car accidents can result from a range of causes, including:

Reckless driving
Poor weather conditions
Mechanical failures
Drunk driving
Distracted driving

Proving that negligence was the cause of your accident is key to filing a lawsuit. Our team has the expertise to establish fault and pursue the compensation you deserve.

NJ’s Statute of Limitations on Car Accident Claims

In New Jersey, car accident claims have a 2-year statute of limitations. This timeframe is the deadline for filing your claim. It’s important to note that the statute of limitations could be even shorter at times, and even under normal circumstances, building a strong case takes time.

Because of this, it’s advisable to start the process as soon as possible after your wreck. Filing a claim after the statute of limitations has expired will result in the loss of your opportunity to seek compensation. Get started without delay to protect your rights.

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Don’t Forget These 5 Steps After a Crash

After a car crash in New Jersey, follow these 5 initial steps to protect yourself and any possible claim you may choose to file:

1. Call the Police and File a Report

In New Jersey, it is mandatory to file a police report if you are involved in a traffic crash that results in injury, death, or damage to property exceeding $500. This report is crucial for insurance claims and legal proceedings, providing an official record of the incident with documented facts that can serve as vital evidence.

2. Record As Much Information as Possible

Collect names, contact information, insurance details of all parties involved, and witness statements. Photos of the scene, damage to vehicles, and records of injuries can be invaluable.

3. Get Emergency Medical Treatment or Call Your Doctor

Even if you feel fine, some injuries manifest later. Immediate medical evaluation creates a record of your injuries, which is important for your health and any claim.

4. Report the Accident to Your Insurer

Notify your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. Be honest, but careful with your wording; avoid admitting fault or giving detailed statements before consulting with your lawyer.

5. Call a Lawyer For a Free Case Review

A New Jersey car accident lawyer can offer crucial advice, help navigate the claims process, and determine if you have additional legal recourse. Our firm offers a free case review to assess your situation and guide you on the next steps, so give us a call today.

New Jersey car accident lawyer, Attorney Peter N. Davis.

The Law Offices of Peter N. Davis & Associates–Trusted Legal Support

Our firm’s commitment to our clients extends beyond office hours. We’re available nights and weekends to take your call, and we’re dedicated to offering unmatched communication, support, and representation. Remember, our car accident attorneys in New Jersey only get paid if you do, giving everyone access to robust legal services.