Get assistance with your back or spinal cord injury case from the top lawyers in Lodi, New Jersey.

Was Your Back or Spinal Cord Damaged in an Accident?

Peter N. Davis & Associates could be your ally in recovering compensation for your injury.

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Experts suggest that between 250,000 to 450,000 U.S. citizens are living with a spinal cord injury. The injuries are devastating, disabling, and they can turn your life upside down if you or your loved one has suffered from an injury like this. Additionally, many individuals suffer from back injuries, one of the most common types of injuries experienced on the job. Our spinal cord injury lawyers understand how hard these injuries can be.

Dealing with the physical and psychological pain caused by these injuries is hard enough, and the financial loss only adds to the stress. The cost of medical expenses, missed work, and hiring a caretaker (if necessary) can accumulate quickly and become overwhelming.

We believe that no one should face such challenges on their own. You may have the legal right to pursue compensation for what you’ve lost, and the back and spinal cord injury lawyers at Peter N. Davis & Associates can make sure you get every dollar you are due.

When you’ve been hurt by the carelessness of another, don’t let your suffering be ignored — lawyers will help you fight for the settlement you need.

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Keeping It Simple

Dealing with your injuries has been difficult enough, so we want to make the rest of the process easier for you. With just a call or a click, you can schedule a free consultation from your couch!

Defending Your Legal Rights

You deserve to recover losses for injuries that were not your fault. We do everything we can to protect your rights and make sure you are fairly compensated.

Working for You

By operating on contingency, our law firm is able to provide expert legal services without charging anything upfront! That’s right — we never charge legal fees unless we win your case.

Back and Spinal Cord Injuries Can Be Devastating

Although the two are spoken of interchangeably, a back injury and a spinal cord injury are actually two different conditions. The spinal cord, specifically, is the bundle of nerves that stretches down through the vertebral bones which make up the spinal column in your back.

A spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord is damaged by direct trauma to the cord itself, or when the bones, soft tissues, and vessels surrounding it are damaged. This can cause weakness and loss of feeling at and below the point of injury. The symptoms you experience depend on where along the cord you are injured. The severity of the injury depends on whether the entire cord is severely injured (complete) or only partially injured (incomplete). The cord remains intact in most people who suffer a spinal cord injury. The most severe, non-fatal cases of spinal cord injury cause paralysis of the arms and legs (quadriplegia) and paralysis of the lower half of the body (paraplegia).

A back injury occurs to the bones of the spine (vertebrae), the cushioning discs between those bones, or the ligaments, muscles, or other soft tissues. One or more of the vertebrae can be broken without causing a spinal cord injury, but that doesn’t mean these injuries are any less painful. Sprained or strained ligaments and muscles, or damaged or irritated nerves in the back, can result in acute pain at the time of the injury or soon after. A torn or ruptured intervertebral disc causes sharp pain that may become chronic. If the tear in the disc is severe enough, the disc herniates and presses against (impinges upon) a nerve resulting in long-term pain and impairment.

Understanding the extent of impairment your car accident, work accident, or slip-and-fall accident caused is essential to your legal case and settlement. Our years of working with personal injury victims in New Jersey give us detailed insight into the devastating impact these injuries have on you and your family.

We’ve Recovered Over $400 Million in 35 Years of Practice!

Fractured Vertebrae in Back


Leg Injury


Herniated Disc With Surgery


Neck Injury


Ankle Injury


Knee Injury


Neck Injury


Arm Injury


Wrist Injury


Broken Ankle



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What Our Clients Are Saying About Us!

5 Star Reviews

I was in the car, I was the passenger, we were stopped about five cars back from the stop sign and all of the sudden we got hit from behind… And it was a girl that was talking on her cell phone. My car insurance said, ‘We’re not paying for anything else.’ My private health insurance said, ‘We’re not paying for anything else.’ Without a lawyer I would probably still be out there wondering why I was still hurting, why I was still having problems and what was I going to do? Peter has contacted the insurance companies. He has gone with me to doctor’s appointments. They have really gone above and beyond. We need people like Peter Davis to help us.

5 Star Reviews

I was at a red light and a driver came up behind and rear-ended my vehicle. Immediately after the accident, I called Peter Davis’ office and he started working on my case right away. His staff was very conscientious to the issue and I just felt very comfortable with dealing with his entire office. He really did a great job in helping me. First thing I would do is find yourself a good attorney like Peter Davis. Peter did a great job with the insurance company. He really fought hard for me.

5 Star Reviews

I was driving in Hoboken and was preparing to stop at a stop sign and before I got to the stop sign, I was rear-ended. After the accident, I called Peter’s office and they started working for me right away. Large insurance companies are not looking out for the consumer. I needed Peter Davis to help me out. Mr. Davis fought hard for me and got me the money that I deserved.

5 Star Reviews

I was driving on Route 46. A guy was on his cell phone and didn’t realize everyone had stopped or slowed in front of him, so full blast, he hit me in the back. After the accident, I called Peter’s office and he started working for me right away. Peter took the case to arbitration and forced the insurance company to give me a good settlement.

5 Star Reviews

I was in a terrible car accident. Immediately after that, I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The insurance company treated me unfairly. They refused to pay for my surgery and Mr. Davis made them. If you get into an accident, it’s very important for you to pick someone to be your voice and defend your rights and I suggest Mr. Davis. When I came to Mr. Davis, I was treated with respect, like I was one of his family members, and I really loved him for that.

5 Star Reviews

I was with my son about to get to the cash register and there was a puddle of water that I didn’t see and I slipped and fell. After I fell, I was in physical therapy for six months. I called Peter’s office and Peter started working for me right away. I don’t think the insurance company would have been fair with me if I didn’t have a good lawyer. I would recommend the Peter Davis law firm to anyone who was injured in an accident.


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Do You Have a Valid Claim?

Learn more about the causes, effects, and legal circumstances involved in a spinal cord or back injury claim below, then schedule a free consultation with our office to find out if you qualify for compensation.

These types of injuries can have a vast range of causes, but some of the most common include auto accidents, serious falls, and work injuries. If your accident was caused by the actions of someone else, you likely have a valid claim.

Back injuries are typically easy to identify as they are characterized by debilitating pain in the back that often radiates to other parts of the body as it progresses. Damage to the spinal cord, though, can be more challenging to recognize. Besides full or partial paralysis, some of the symptoms one may experience after a spinal injury include the following:

  • Changes to or loss of functioning in your limbs
  • Loss of sensation in the chest or limbs
  • Respiratory issues
  • Sudden incontinence
  • Feeling weak, like your muscles are not functioning properly

New Jersey’s statute of limitations allows injured people to file a claim within two years of the accident. In other words, the deadline to file is two years from the date you were injured, and missing this deadline means relinquishing your right to receive compensation at all.

Be sure to speak with a lawyer as soon as you are able so that you can preserve your rights and get your settlement when you need it.

Worried Your Claim Will Be Denied or Underpaid?

Talk to us before you sign or settle anything with an insurance company! We will make sure that you get what you need to take your life back.

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Damages Available for Back or Spinal Cord Damage

We are always available to review your unique situation at no cost and determine how much your case would be worth if you choose to file. Because every injury, every accident, and every individual will have a different set of circumstances, there is no sure way to estimate your maximum damages without an attorney by your side.

That being said, there are some types of damages you can expect will be accounted for in a spine or back injury claim. These can generally be divided into two categories: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages cover the financial losses your accident contributed to. The costs of medical treatment and devices, wages lost when you missed work, property damage (especially if your injury was caused by a car, truck, or motorcycle accident), and funeral/burial expenses if the injury resulted in a wrongful death may all be included.

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, account for the pain and suffering the injury has caused. This could include emotional distress, mental illness, physical pain, loss of relationships, and more.

Building Your Case and Telling Your Story

Getting fair compensation for a back or spinal cord injury case requires time and patience. We know this from experience and will not allow you to be unfairly rushed into a settlement. We make sure you know where your case stands and work to inform you of all options as they develop.

The long-term effects of your injury are initially hard to assess because you need to heal before a doctor can determine what symptoms are permanent. Proper diagnosis and treatment can require many trips to a doctor or specialist, and the most severe injuries need even more time to heal.

Our Lodi legal team will consult with doctors, therapists, economists, and other experts to construct a clear picture of your injury, the treatment it requires, and any modifications needed while you are living with the aftermath. In addition, we will work with you and your family and friends, to talk about how the accident and injury have changed your quality of life.

No amount of money can eliminate the suffering, lingering pain, and irreversible damage caused by severe back or spinal cord injuries. However, as your attorneys, we will fight to ensure you or your loved one receives proper medical care and ongoing treatment. We understand the importance of obtaining a financial settlement that will allow you to recover.

Our spine and back injury lawyers service communities such as Lodi, Newark, Paterson, and Passaic. Our staff has more than 60 years of combined law experience and we are prepared to handle spine injury cases involving car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, workers’ compensation, and premises liability.

What Comes Next?

Schedule a consultation over the phone or here on our website to get started. During this review, we will discuss the details of your case, determine its maximum value, and assist you in understanding your legal options. We never charge for a consultation, so think of this as free legal advice with no obligation!

If you qualify to file a claim, the first thing we will do is begin collecting any evidence relating to your case. This may include doctor’s notes and hospital records, eyewitness testimony, photographs or videos, and more. Our goal is to build the strongest case possible so there is no question that you deserve to recover damages.

Negotiating is one of the most challenging parts of the legal process. The at-fault person or business will try to deny culpability, and the insurance companies will try to underpay or deny your claim if given even the smallest chance.

Fortunately, working with Peter N. Davis & Associates means you will never have to deal directly with negotiations. Your attorney will handle all calls from the insurance adjuster and be sure that your maximum settlement is being fought for. We will keep you updated along the way!

In the end, we will advise you on whether you should accept the settlement offer or not. It will be your decision, but we will do our best to help you decide what is best for you and your family.

Once you accept, we will oversee the rest of the process to be sure you get your check on time and as promised.

Back and Spine Injury FAQs

Unfortunately, damage to the spinal cord is currently irreversible. In many cases, injured people are able to regain some functioning and improve their quality of life by following the treatment plan and rehabilitation schedule put forth by their medical provider.

Researchers continue to look for ways to fully cure spinal cord injuries, but early intervention and following the doctor’s orders are currently the best ways to improve your condition.

Anyone can file a claim against a person or entity that harmed them, but not everyone knows the ins and outs of New Jersey injury law and can foresee challenges that will arise in a claim.

Having an attorney, while not required, helps guarantee that any expenses or losses related to your accident are accounted for, even ones you didn’t know you could recover. An attorney can also look out for you and make sure you are not being cheated by insurance companies with their own financial interests in mind.

Most of all, an attorney handling your claim means less stress on your shoulders. We worry about meeting deadlines, collecting every bit of evidence, negotiating your claim, and even helping you find medical providers for your condition.

Nothing! We don’t charge any upfront fees to get started working with our office. If we don’t win compensation for you, you don’t pay, and our case reviews are always free.

Under the New Jersey comparative negligence statute, you will be able to recover damages for your injury as long as your liability was equal to or less than the other person’s.

If you do hold some responsibility that is 50% or less, your settlement will be reduced by that same percentage. If you hold more than 50% of the blame, you will not have the opportunity to seek compensation.

From our two offices in Paterson and Lodi, we proudly represent the interests of injured people across the state of New Jersey. If you can’t make it into the office, you can call or simply submit your case online for review to get started!