A Paterson, NJ, man meeting with his personal injury lawyer.

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer in Paterson, NJ, After an Accident

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A Paterson, NJ, man meeting with his personal injury lawyer.

When you’re hurt in an accident, your world can be turned upside down. You may be facing life-altering injuries and mounting medical bills, and you may not be sure of what to do next. When you’re overwhelmed after your accident, you deserve a trustworthy personal injury lawyer in Paterson, New Jersey.

The right accident lawyer knows how to fight for the maximum possible compensation, organize your strongest case, and ensure you don’t make any critical mistakes along the way. But before settling on any attorney, you should feel confident that an experienced lawyer is working in your best interest. Keep reading as we walk you through what questions to ask a personal injury lawyer after an accident in Paterson, so you can feel confident about the lawyer handling your case.

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What Do You Charge?

A young woman feeling stressed looking at her bills after a personal injury accident.

One of the first things you should ask a personal injury lawyer in Paterson is how much they will charge you for their services. If there are any upfront costs, that’s an immediate red flag. Trustworthy lawyers work on contingency, which means that they don’t collect any money in advance and they won’t charge you anything unless they win your case. Many do this to show that they’re willing to work as hard as they can to seek the fair compensation for their clients.

What Out-of-Pocket Expenses Will I Need to Cover?

Some attorneys may charge you “out-of-pocket” costs, like court fees, filing fees, research fees, and even photocopying fees that are additional to the contingency they charge. Be sure you’re aware of any of these fees upfront so that you know what to expect.

Will I Work with a Designated Attorney or Someone Else?

Many attorneys use legal teams to work on your case. These can include researchers, paralegals, and others, in addition to your primary personal injury attorney. Even if you have a team backing your case, you must have a trusted point of contact who is intimately familiar with the details. With quality firms, you should communicate and work closely with your actual attorney. Ask to speak to the same person you will be working with throughout your case.

How Long Will My Case Take to Resolve?

This is a common question, and the truth is that every personal injury case is different. Any attorneys who give you a specific, standardized timeline should raise red flags, especially if they haven’t heard all the details of your case. A good personal injury lawyer will know to review your case and hear your story before evaluating what the process will look like. After your consultation, they may be able to provide a rough timeline estimate, but it’s important to understand that the length of injury cases ranges drastically because each injury and situation is unique.

Will My Case Go to Trial?

An injured woman on the phone with her personal injury lawyer.

Most injury cases don’t go to trial, but if a personal injury attorney tells you upfront that your case is sure to settle, that’s another red flag. While the vast majority of cases do settle out of court, negotiations can sometimes break down unexpectedly. It’s difficult to know if this might happen or why, so you will always need to be prepared for the possibility. Don’t let the thought of a court case worry you, though! When you work with a good lawyer, they should handle the court case entirely on your behalf, so you don’t have the added stress of navigating a lawsuit.

What Is Your Success Rate?

An attorney’s track record of successful settlements is an essential factor when you are deciding whether or not to work with them. If they’re new to the field, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad at what they do. But, if they’ve successfully settled dozens or even hundreds of cases at high figures over the years, they most likely have a better shot at negotiating your case. An experienced lawyer that has proven their success will have the knowledge needed to build your best possible case.

Do You Have References?

Trustworthy personal injury lawyers will also be able to provide references or reviews from past clients. Many law firms will have reviews from clients displayed on their websites or available through an online search. If lawyers can refer you directly to past clients you can directly speak with, that’s even better. This lets you get a one-on-one look at what it’s really like to work with the attorney.

What Is My Case Worth?

A young man going through physical therapy after suffering a personal injury.

This is another question that should be difficult for any attorney to answer upfront. While many can give you a ballpark figure based on some similar cases in the past, they will need to sit down with you for a consultation and discuss the details of your case before coming up with a more solid figure.

Your case may involve evidence such as medical bills, medications, procedures, physical therapy, lost wages, and lost potential future earnings, but it may also require a more in-depth investigation. You may also be eligible for compensation for things like emotional distress, loss of comfort and relationships, loss of consortium, and other intangible injuries that may make it trickier to determine fair compensation. Don’t let an attorney make empty promises about your potential settlement. Find a Patterson personal injury lawyer who will put in the work to thoroughly review your case and discuss all your options with you throughout the process.

Let a Personal Injury Lawyer in Paterson Review Your Case

If you’ve been hurt in an accident in Paterson, NJ, and you need help pursuing compensation, call Peter N. Davis & Associates, LLC. Attorney Peter N. Davis is a dedicated lawyer who has recovered more than $150 million in settlements for numerous clients and has stood up against insurance companies since 1989. Get a free consultation with a reputable personal injury lawyer in Paterson by calling (877) 618-6550 – we’re available 24/7!